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Bendamustine hydrochloride ;

Bendamustine is a bifunctional alkylating agent with anti-tumor and cytocidal effects. Bendamustine, also known as bendamustine hydrochloride, is commonly used in the form of injection.
The main mechanism of the anti-tumor and cytocidal effects of this product is the cross-linking of DNA single and double strands through alkylation, which disrupts the function and synthesis of DNA, and also causes cross-linking between DNA and protein, and between protein and protein, thereby exerting an anti-tumor effect. This product is used alone or in combination with other anti-tumor drugs to treat malignant tumors such as Hodgkin’s disease, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, plasmacytoma (multiple myeloma), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), breast cancer, etc.